FCI Standart Shar Pei

The Shar Pei

General appearance:
Medium sized, lively, compact dog with square building and short loin. Skin wrinkles on the skull and withers, small ears and a catch similar to those of a hippopotamus give it a unique look. The males are taller than the bitches.

Important proportions:
The height of the Shar-Pei from the ground to the withers corresponds approximately to the length of his body from the bow joint to the ischial tubercle, especially in the males. The distance between nose sponge and stop corresponds to the distance between stop and occipital bone.

Behavior / character (essence):
Quiet, independent, loyal, affectionate to the members of his family.

Rather big in relation to the body. Wrinkles on the forehead and cheeks continue in the formation of the dewlap.

Skull: flat, broad.
Stop: moderately trained.

Nasal sponge: Large and wide, preferably black, but any other color adapted to the general color of the coat is allowed. Nostrils wide open.

Fang: A characteristic feature of the breed. Wide from the roots to the tip without any tendency to rejuvenate. Lips and upper catch area are well padded. A skin ridge on the base of the nose sponge is permitted.

Mouth: Tongue, palate, gums and lids are preferably bluish black. A pink speckled tongue is allowed. A uniform pink tongue is highly undesirable. In dogs whose hair color is washed out, the tongue is uniformly lavender-colored.

Jaws / Teeth: Jaws strong with a perfect scissor bite, with the maxillary incisors overlapping those of the lower jaw without clearance and inserted vertically in the jaw. The lower leg should not be overstuffed enough to interfere with the bit.

Eyes: Dark, almond-shaped with a sullen expression. A lighter iris color is acceptable if the color of the coat is washed out. The healthy function of the eyeballs or eyelids must never be affected by the surrounding skin, wrinkles or hair. Any sign of irritation to the eyeball, conjunctiva, or eyelids is highly undesirable. Free from entropion.

Ears: Very small, rather thick, in the shape of an equilateral triangle. Slightly rounded at the tip and placed high on the skull, with the tips of the ears pointing in the direction of the eyes. They are clearly above the eyes and far apart and close to the skull. Standing ears are highly undesirable.

Neck: Of medium length, strong, well placed on the shoulders. The loose skin on the bottom of the neck should not be overdone.

Body: In adult dogs, skin folds are highly undesirable on the body except at the withers and tail base where moderate wrinkling is present.

Upper profile line: Slightly sunk behind the withers, to rise slightly above the lumbar region.

Back: short, strong.

Lumbar region: short, broad, slightly arched.

Croup: Rather flat.

Chest: Wide and deep, the ribcage extends to the elbow area.

Subline: Slightly rising below the lumbar region.

Tail: Thick and round at the root, tapers to a thin point. The tail is set very high, a characteristic feature of the breed. It can be high and curved, tightly rolled or worn over the back or curved to either side. An incomplete or missing rod is highly undesirable.

Forehand: Forelegs straight, moderately long and of good bone strength. The skin of the forelegs shows no wrinkles.

Shoulders: Muscular, inclined at a good angle.

Pastern: Slightly oblique, strong and elastic.

Hindquarters: Muscular, strong, moderately angled; the barrels are perpendicular to the ground and, viewed from behind, parallel to each other. Wrinkles on the thigh, lower leg, hocks and thickening of the skin at the ankle is undesirable.

Hocks: Low set.

Paws: Moderately tall, compact, not splayed: Toes are well-knuckled. Without dewclaws on the hind legs.

Gait: The preferred gait is the trot. The movement is free, harmonious and energetic, with a good sense of space and a strong push from the wrong hand. As the speed increases, the paws tend to be closer to an imaginary midline. A pedigree movement is undesirable.

Hair: A characteristic feature of the breed: short, rough and bristly. The hair is straight and stands out from the body; but it is usually smooth on the limbs. No undercoat. The length of the hair can vary from 1 to 2.5 cm. Never trimmed.

Colors: Except white, all uniform colors are allowed. The tail and the back of the thighs are often colored lighter. A darker shade along the back and ears is allowed.

Height: 44-51cm at the withers (17.5 - 20 inches).

Mistake: Any deviation from the above points must be considered a mistake whose score should be in exact proportion to the degree of deviation.

NB: Male dogs must have two apparently normal testicles that are completely in the scrotum.

Serious mistakes

Any other occlusion than a scissor bite (a temporary bite is acceptable).
Sharpener, narrow catch.
Speckled tongue (except pink spotted tongue).
Big ears
Low set tail.
Hair longer than 2.5cm.
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